What are the types of Taxes in Belize
Taxes vary based on what they are applied to in Belize. Here are some of the most common:
GENERAL SALES TAX : This tax is a tax on all services in Belize. The tax rate is 12.5% on all goods and services in Belize.
BUSINESS TAX: This tax varies on the type of business you operate in Belize.
INCOME TAX: Income tax is a tax on individuals income they make as a Belize employee.
CAPITAL GAINS TAX : Belize does not have a Capital Gains Tax, however if your a foreigner your home country may require you to pay a capital gains tax.
HOTEL TAX: Short-term rentals, resorts and hotels pay a 9% tax (most also have an additional service charge)
PROPERTY TAX: Each April property taxes are due in Belize. Property taxes vary on where the property is located and the size of the property.
STAMP DUTY TAX: This is a transfer tax on all property purchases in Belize. If you are interested in purchasing property in Belize, contact us using the form below and we will make sure you have a complete understanding of the process.
BE AWARE: You should always contact a tax professional. We do not give tax advice, however we can provide you with options for a Belize local tax professional or USA based international tax professionals.
Note: Click on the green button and fill out the form on the Buyers Consultation page and we will contact you to help get your questions answered quickly.